各常見 VPN 架設簡易教學

Chumy | Jul 10, 2024 min read


Install strongswan

apt install strongswan strongswan-pki libcharon-extra-plugins libcharon-extauth-plugins libstrongswan-extra-plugins

Config file

  • /etc/ipsec.conf
    • for connect config
  • /etc/ipsec.secrets
    • A config to save your password, preshare key, private key
  • /etc/ipsec.d/
    • The directorys where the certificates or private keys is placed.
      • /etc/ipsec.d/cacerts/
        • for CA certificate
      • /etc/ipsec.d/certs/
        • for certificate
      • /etc/ipsec.d/private/
        • for private key
    • Certificate for IPsec must have EKU:
      • IP security IKE intermediate (oid is

Simple config of ipsec.conf

conn <connect name>
        # Auto mean do you want to actively initiate a connection or passively accept a connection?
        auto=<add | start>	
        type=<tunnel | transport>
        keyexchange=<ike | ikev1 | ikev2>

        #left mean local
        left=<left ip addres default is %any>
        leftauth=<server auth method>
        leftsubnet=<what subnet that client can forward whan client connect to vpn>

        #right mean remote
        right=<right ip addres default is %any>
        rightauth=<client auth method>
        rightsourceip=<if you use tunnel mode. What subnet do you want to assign to client>

        # etc.

Simple config of ipsec.secrets

# for public auth
: RSA "<private key file name>"

# for password auth
<username> : EAP "<password>"

# for preshare key auth
<remote ip> : PSK "<preshare key>" 


Setup by command(Linux)

  • Add interface
    • ip link add dev wg0 type wireguard
  • Setup ip
    • ip address add dev wg0
    • ip address add dev wg0 peer
  • Setup wg configurations
    • wg setconf wg0 myconfig.conf
    • wg set wg0 listen-port 51820 private-key /path/to/private-key peer ABCDEF... allowed-ips endpoint
  • Start interface
    • ip link set up dev wg0

Setup by configuration

  • Configuration file
    • /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
  • Start interface
    • systemctl enable wg-quick@wg0
    • wg-quick up wg0

Example connfigurations - Client

Example connfigurations - Server


  • Address (optional)
    • IP address and netmask of the interface
  • ListenPort
    • Wg service listen port
  • PrivateKey
    • Private key of the interface
  • PreUp / PreDown / PostUp / PostDown
    • Run shell scripts before / after interface up / down
    • E.g.
      • Setup firewall rules


  • PublicKey
    • Public key of the peer
  • AllowedIPs
    • IP addresses that are allowed to pass through this peer
  • Endpoint (Optional)
    • Location of the peer
    • Wg will also use the previous connections to detect this configuration
  • PersistentKeepalive (Optional)
    • By default, Wg send packs only if there are data to be send
    • Send packs to peer periodically to bypass NAT or Firewall
  • PresharedKey (Optional)
    • Pre-shared key for additional symmetric encryption

Generate Key Pair

  • Key pair
    • wg genkey > privatekey
    • wg pubkey < privatekey > publickey
  • Pre-shared key
    • wg genpsk > preshared



  • Template directory
    • You can choose your config Template in this directory
    • /usr/share/doc/openvpn/examples/sample-config-files/
  • Write your config file in /etc/openvpn/

Simple server config

Your server certificate need EKU: server authentication

Simple client config

Your client certificate need EKU: client authentication

  • You can put your CA, certificate and private in the config with <ca></ca> <cert></cert> <key></key>
  • But don’t use it with ca, cert, key attributes in the same time.
    • ca <CA certificate path>
    • cert <certificate path>
    • key <private key path>

Enable and Start

Start your openvpn server or client

systemctl start openvpn@<vpn config name without .conf>

Start at boot

systemctl enable openvpn@<vpn config name without .conf>


  1. Simply by signing client certs.
  2. Use Username/password
  3. Use 3rd party authentication
    • RADIUS
    • LDAP

Server side

PAM authentication
plugin /usr/lib/openvpn/plugins/openvpn-plugin-auth-pam.so login
Use a shell script to auth
auth-user-pass-verify <script path> via-env
script-security 3 # To allow script reading passwords

Client side

Auth with specify user
in config
auth-user-pass <user file>
in <user file>